If you have visited me in the last 51 years you may have heard me say … “Oh, I will never retire.” I want you to know that I absolutely meant it. So now you ask … what's up? Have I somehow become unable to continue my given profession. I would say … NO ... but maybe, with age comes wisdom! Slowing down is, functionally, a given … as “we” age. So what does that mean for me? I'm so happy that you are curious.
I'm saying that I'm “retreating” from certain day to day “busy-ness.” I have built up a lot of business over the years and I have no desire to neglect anyone who has supported my obsession with designing and building such an obscure musical instrument. I have enjoyed success beyond my imagination! For that I owe an unpayable debt to my Sovereign Father. And, similarly, I owe a debt to YOU … my customers!
So what now? Well … great question (I just love questions). First of all … I'm still here. I'm still available. I always anwer my phone and emails. You can still make an appointment to visit. I am finishing up several “unspoken for” Hammered Dulcimers. I'll probably post pic's on my website if they're still available once I've finished my quality control processes. Love to meet you someday! (jrs 02-26-2025)